We welcome all our new members, including Maryam Kamel and Ellie White, who were pupils at Birkdale School for Hearing Impaired Children. Unfortunately, the school closed last year.
We encourage all hearing and deaf students to come along to learn sign language, and to come and practice sign language with us.
Millennium Commission
The Millennium Commission have presented Maureen with a Special Certificate making her a “Millennium Awards Fellow”. It is a lifetime membership, which recognises her voluntary work as well as her commitment and dedication to making a difference in her community. She has also received a special letter, and a Unique Millennium PIN. Maureen can be found on the Starpeople site.
Fund-raising matters
A “Bag Pack Day” took place at Asda in May with help from PMP members. Bags were packed at the tills as members told customers about PMP and signing. Maureen provided more information near the entrance to the store. It was a successful event, and another one is planned for October with help from local Girls’ Brigade groups.
A fund-raising event at Holy Trinity Church Hall on 11th June was a fun and lively occasion where members took part in a number of bingo games.
Some members gathered together on Independence Day, 4th July, for a fun walk around the Marine Lake. This was arranged as a sponsored walk, and although we didn’t have many sponsors, the event was enjoyed by all those who attended.
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
Alison Chester gave us a talk and demonstration on 17th May. She brought Dodger along with her. Alison gave a very interesting talk about hearing dogs and how they started, and how Dodger helps her on a daily basis.
Alison and Dodger are available to visit schools and clubs to talk about the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Please contact Alison for more details on 01704-228571.

Surprise for Maureen
Maureen Doyle, originator of Practice Makes Perfect, had a surprise recently in the post.
She received a letter in the post saying she had been nominated for the ‘Local Hero Award’ as part of the Help the Aged Living Legends 2004. They sent Maureen a lovely certificate to acknowledge this accolade.
Learning sign language
Maureen recently entertained 180 children with Signed Nursery Rhymes at a school in West Derby, Liverpool. The children were aged between 5 and 7 years. Alison Chester talked to the children about her hearing dog, Dodger, and explained to them how important Dodger is in her life.
Chantelle Rea-Bradley
Committee member Chantelle Rea-Bradley attended a course for Church Signing this month in Chester.
Southport Centre for the Deaf
Southport Centre for the Deaf, 19a Stanley Street, is open every Tuesday, 10pm to 12pm. Various events take place each Tuesday, and everyone is welcome to come along.
There is a Signed Church Service on the first Tuesday of every month.
The club is also open fortnightly on Saturdays, 11pm to 2pm.
King George V College BSL courses
King George V have been running CACDP BSL courses.
KGV have introduced CACDP BSL Level 1 to the curriculum for their full-time 16/19 year old students. Some 40 students started on the course in September 2003, of whom approximately 20 completed the course and sat the exam.
On 1st April the Minister of State for Further and Higher Education, Alan Johnson, visited KGV College Southport in recognition of the College’s outstanding Inspection Report in 2003, and its mentions in the annual reports of both OFSTED and ALI (Adult Learning Inspectorate) as being among the country’s most outstanding providers of 16/19 full-time and part-time adult education. As part of his visit he was introduced to Helen Zueger (BSL Level 1 student), and Louise Pitchers (profoundly deaf Web Design student who completed her course with the aid of BSL interpretation by Lynn Culshaw).