December 2012 Newsletter

Merry Christmas!
Maureen wishes all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Donation from Mayor’s Fund
We have received £203.68 from the Mayor of Sefton’s Fund.

Volunteer support in the community
Jonny [level 3] is going into a Birkdale infant school to support a teacher who is teaching the children the alphabet and some basic signing.

Helen Pinch [level 2] has supported a deaf lady while she attended a course on breast-feeding as the mother wants to be able to help other mothers-to-be who are deaf. Helen is also helping Maureen at Prestfield School where they are doing 4 sessions teaching Mums.

Maureen has been teaching the Brownies & Guides to sign Silent Night at the Salvation Army for the Carol Service on Sunday 16 December. Maureen is also teaching St Philips’ teachers to sign Away in a Manger so they can teach the children for their Carol Service.

Classes update
Our last sessions for this year were on Friday 8 December & Monday 10 December. Classes restart on Monday 14 January & Friday 18 January.

From Friday 23 November we started meeting at the Salvation Army. This is because the Joint Learning Partnership need the room we were using at the Shakespeare Centre. They need this room for extra free training courses for young people over 16 years old.

Any members who haven’t attended for a while are requested to return any resources they have. Please return them to Maureen at the Salvation Army on Shakespeare Street or ring her on 01704 546626 or text 07960 984306 to arrange drop-off/pick-up.

Our Monday evening class at the Salvation Army has moved to the Blue Room, which is nearer to the street.

We have a publicity advert in this year’s Southport Council Map. Please keep this if it is delivered to you. We have an advert in it, which tells people about our classes, and the pink logo marks Shakespeare Street on the map. This can be given to newcomers and people outside of the area.

2012 Annual General Meeting
Our AGM was held on Monday, 24 September. Click the link to download the minutes of that meeting.

Interview in Hearing Times
Maureen has been interviewed by Hearing Times. The article is in the Autumn edition of the newspaper.

Awareness and talks
gave a talk to the Rotary Club on 1 August. On 2 August we had an awareness stand at ASDA from 1 till 4pm.

The talk in Thornton in July went extremely well. We had donations of over £100.

On Thursday 5 July we had a stand at P.A.C.T.S. in the Gild Hall, Formby from 10am till 2pm.

Stephen passes BSL Level 1
Stephen Walker, one of our volunteers, has passed his BSL Level 1 exams. Congratulations to him from us all.